

We have two convenient ways to pay for donations to JGSWS.

PayPal: We accept online payments using PayPal, where you can pay securely using your PayPal account or a credit card.

By check: If you prefer to join or renew by check, download the dues form (PDF file*), fill in the donation section at the bottom, and mail it in with your check to: JGSWS Treasurer, P.O. Box 53102, Bellevue, WA 98015.

To make a donation with PayPal:

Choose a donation category, click the Donate button below it, and then fill in the amount you want to donate.

Donate to the Joseph Voss Memorial Lecture Fund

Donate to the Speakers/Programs Fund

Donate to the Library Acquisitions Fund

Donate to the JGSWS General Fund

The Jewish Genealogical Society of Washington State (JGSWS) is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. If you work for a matching-gifts employer, your donations can be matched.

*If you don't have Adobe Reader, you can download a free copy: Get Adobe Reader.